climate risk and earth sustainability


Research Objectives of the CRisES team @ ESSG:

  1. Plan sustainable mitigation and adaptation strategies
  2. Quantify climate risk for natural hazards and extremes
  3. Build dynamic observatories  to map key variables in the changing climate


  1. PREPARING FOR A WORLD OF EXTREMES​ [MIT Climate Grand Challenges]:
    • Informative Learning from a Nonlinear Dynamics and Stochastic Process perspective
    • New Physics-coupled Machine Learning for
      • Downscaling, Uncertainty Quantification, Surrogate Modeling, Nowcasting, Parameterization, and Decision Problems
    • Synthetic Extra-tropical  Storm modeling  
    • Cascading Flood Risk in a changing climate: coastal, fluival, and pluvial at 100m scale and above.
    • Flood Models: New particle approaches integrated flood modeling from coastal to infrastructure.
  2. JO-CREWSNET [MIT Climate Grand Challenges]:
      • Wind, Surge & Waves, Tides, Sealevel Rise, Rain, Inundation, Salinity, and Sediment
    • Cascading Effects: Monsoons, Heat Stress and Cyclones
    • Adaption Strategies: Cyclones and Agriculture, Cyclones and Coastal Resilience
  3. FLOOD LOSS RISK [Liberty Mutual Quest for Intelligence]:
    • AIML for Downscaling Precipitation, Surrogate Flood Modeling, and Flood Loss Risk Modeling (severity and frequency).
  4. Project STRATORO 
    • Autonomous lightweight stratospheric observatory for extreme events, see CAOS