
Thu, 03/14/2024

From March 1-9, 2024 a team comprising of MIT, KUET, and BRAC surveyed southwest Bangladesh to gather surficial salinity measurements (river and soil), specifically Electrical Conductivity, at hitherto unprecedented resolution. Under an MoU between ESSG and KUET, the samples are processed at...

Wed, 12/06/2023
  • A draft version of the paper can be found here:
  • Details on validating ADCIRC storm surge model using TC Sidr storm tides can be found here: 


Fri, 05/19/2023

Simulating TC Sidr over Bangladesh 

  • We used the physics-based hydrodynamic model ADCIRC-2DDI (ADvanced CIRCulation model, two-dimensional barotropic tides, Version 55.01) in our study.
  • A high-fidelity unstructured mesh was designed...
Sun, 12/11/2022

Modeling the risk of extreme weather events in a changing climate is essential for developing effective adaptation and mitigation strategies. Although the available low-resolution climate models capture different scenarios, accurate risk assessment for mitigation and adaption often demands...

Tue, 11/01/2022

Sai Ravela, Joaquin Salas, Anamitra Saha, A Machine Learning Approach to Surface Roughness Length Estimation

In this project, we estimate surface roughness length (z0), a critical boundary layer parameter. Our results are provided at 1km spatial resolution and...